Friday, August 31, 2007
Noreena Jasper
Crazy Lace Agate Mine
We had an interruption to our digging - Glenn injured his wrist badly enough to have to rest it for a few days so we made a flying visit home. This proved beneficial, however, as we had mail to deal with and more importantly it meant we could pick up the dog from the kennels. We missed him more than we thought. The intention was to save him the discomfort he would suffer from the dreadful grass seeds. Last year each evening we would sit after dinner and pick them out of his skin and ears. I decided this time I would keep him away from the grassy areas one way or another.
As you can see, he was glad to be home.
We’d been home a few days when we heard rain was forecast for the Pilbara Region so we left in time to get there before the roads were closed. They are unsealed roads and with the Almighty Dust of the Pilbara it doesn’t take much to turn a road into a quagmire. We arrived late at night and it was nice to get into our cosy tent.
In the morning it was pouring with rain so Glenn strung up the tarp for shelter and that was where Woody and I sat waiting for the rain to stop while Glenn unloaded the truck.
It’s not long before we have a truckload to take into town and this time His Lordship gets to ride in the sleeper cab!
A couple of days later we saw another ore train that was 2kms long and had two engines at the front, three in the middle and two at the rear.
Is he looking lovingly at Glenn?
Apart from punctures... (we woke up to this one)
(There's a man under that truck!)
...and mechanical problems, other small setbacks occur (see below). Fortunately there is another bucket Glenn can use but it’s half the size of this one.
The digging here is complete but before we leave the area we take a drive to a lease not too far away for Munjina Stone. It’s a beautiful place and yet another beautiful rock.
We pack up our camp at the Crazy Lace Agate mine and head off for Roy Hill.