Monday, February 05, 2007


An Indian gentleman purchased these four contoured rocks yesterday. He took his time choosing exactly what he wanted then indicated which rocks he would like. He said that each was to be carved into some sort of figure for religious purposes. Each would be unique and never to be repeated. (Magnesite, 2 x Noreen Jasper, Blue Lepidolite)

Sometimes I really wish I could see the end product.

When contoured pieces get sold we have space on the table so we delve into the drums for more.
This one came out next (above) . It looked so boring and unattractive at first. Just a relatively thin, flat contoured piece of striped jasper with little colour. Then I thought that maybe it would help if I found a stand to rest it on, like we do some of the picturesque slabs.
As it faced me, lo and behold, a Japanese watercolour!!! As clear as day I could see a landscape; mountains, a tree, pale evening sky with one cloud and maybe beach in the foreground!!

I mentioned this to Glenn and he increased the price immediately!!!

These items are in a booth along by us. What would you call this?? It can't possibly be mosaic. I can't print the word I'd like to use. What does my mosaic-ing friend think of these?
And what about this??? What exactly would you call this? A friend of ours thought that the person who carved this 'item' from rock must have had a feed of those funny mushrooms the night before and this is the result of the nightmare.

Strange thing is, it could be sitting in the corner of a restaurant as part of the 'interior design' and would anybody say anything? Just look at the lips on it!!

Actually, Glenn's suggestion was a large pin in each end and it would look like it had just come off the spit.

1 comment:

herhimnbryn said...

Your friend she says.........Nooooo!