Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Loss or Gain?

This is Magnesite, also known as Lemon Chrysoprase.
It was a lump of rock that Glenn sent to China to be contour polished and they did a great job.
For the past few days it has been sitting on a drum at the end of a table where there was polished magnesite slabs and faces.
A magnificent piece.
Almost everyone that walked past it, stroked it. Just as if it were a sleek cat basking in the sun.
Our friends across the way said that from over there it looked as if it was translucent, as if the sun was shining through it.
Someone bought it today.
The cad!
I didn't realise how much I'd got used to its company.
I, too, had been going over to it and stroking it.
Such a short time and I'd taken it for granted!!
It's gone!
Well, yes, he did pay well for this beautiful sculpture.
He isn't going to sell it on, either. He is a collector.
Thank heavens I didn't give it a name!

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