Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sweet tooth

It seems to me that there is a huge amount of sweet things on the shelves at the supermarkets here in the USA. There was an absolute mountain of packet waffle mixes and every accompanying syrup you could imagine.
The cereal aisle is three miles long and ten feet high. They have ten types of shredded wheat from frosted to low fat to....
I have never seen so many different flavours of Coca Cola in my life! Glenn thought he'd bought ordinary old Coca Cola but it was Black Cherry Vanilla. They call the ordinary stuff "Classic" !! He sometimes as a small port in the evening and as he'd been working and was thirsty he mixed it with what he thought was Coca Cola. It was the Black Cherry Vanilla variety. He gave me a taste and it reminded me of a drink I used to treat myself to in my younger days - a Rum and Black - blackcurrant. Very very sweet and sickly.
One luxury Glenn really gets into when we are here are the "creamers". He is a coffee drinker and he loves the 'creamers' you get here. It isn't powder, it's flavoured cream. Get a load of this list:

Amaretto – tastes like marzipan
Irish Crème
Toasted Almond
Soy Original
Sugar free French Vanilla
Soy French Vanilla
Eggnog ?????
Vanilla Hazlenut
Pumpkin Spice (!)
Vanilla Caramel
Vanilla Chai Spice
Coconut Crème
Sugar Free Hazlenut
Original Vanilla
Peppermint Mocha
Gingerbread ....What??

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