Sunday, January 07, 2007


One of the most enjoyable parts of working here is meeting the people who come by. Sometimes it is families, mum, dad and kids, enjoying browsing the booths, with probably not much idea of what they are looking at but enjoying the spectacular variety of rock, crystal, fossils, carvings, etc. And they occasionally buy, if something catches their eye.
Then there are the buyers who have retail businesses and looking at wares through their customers' eyes. What will sell? What sold well last year?

But my favourite is the wizened old guy. And there are lots of these. They are retired, often have untrimmed beards, jeans held up with braces, many of them limp due to past injuries or ailments, they always wear a hat, their faces and hands are weathered by the sun and wind and they've seen life. Now they have time for their passion - rocks. Some look for rough rock to cut, polish and maybe make into cabochons which can become a piece of jewellery.

Others look for rock they can 'knap'. Flintknapping is very popular here and we sell rock that 'knaps' well. Flintknapping is the art of making flaked stone tools; arrowheads, knives, spear points, Danish daggers, etc. Not only was it demonstrated by Native Americans in ancient times but by all civilizations as a way of life at one point or another until metal was invented. There are some lovely photos here.
It's wonderful when we have a customer return with an article they have made from one of our rocks, as this gentlemen did.

We are yet to meet the man who created these. Very much looking forward to that!


herhimnbryn said...

Oh H, what stunning going to get Pa to look at this.

Avus said...

As "first-born" says, absolutely stunning. I love rocks, crystals and have been fascinated watching flint knappers work.

What a wonderful life you have chosen. All success to you and happy new year!